Terminator Comic Rapidshare카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 19. 23:41
Cybernary is a comic book series created by comic book artist Nick Manabat with writer Steve Gerber and published by Wildstorm Productions in 1995. It tells about the story of a cybernetic anti-heroine, Katrina Cupertino, who carries the consciousness of Yamiko Gamorra.Katrinas story takes place in the Wildstorm Universe on the fictional post-apocalyptic island of Gamorra.
She is a member of the American colony. Her parents die in a suspicious accident and Katrina opts for a life on the street. With her street smarts and low-level telepathy, she prospered in the criminal circles. She teams up with a male partner named Cisco. During one mission, there were mistakes and Vandalla, one of Gamorras main scientists, ends up with custody of Cisco. Her rescue attempt seemingly works, but Cisco is not truly freed and Katrina herself is vastly altered. While her outside looks like a very carefully made nympho-droid, her insides are built for killing.
Not only that, her mind also contains the consciousness of Kaizen Gamorras lost daughter Yamiko. Intended as a present for Kaizen himself, she instead escapes and helps overthrow him.Cybernary spends some time dimension-hopping with Savants unofficial super-hero team called Savant Garde. There she fought side by side with Savant herself, Mr.
Majestic, the cat-girl Sheba, and many other heroes, some of who resembled Cybernary herself. Cicsco becomes part of the team, but he is now the large cyborg known as Met-L. Also joining the team is the murderous mercenary Innuendo, who helps out the heroes despite his own dark nature.To download issues 1-5. Blood: A Tale is a four-issue comic book limited series first published by Marvel Comics under its Epic imprint in 1988 and later re-released by DC under its Vertigo imprint in 1996. The series was written by J. DeMatteis and illustrated by Kent Williams.The book, mostly illustrated by watercolors, goes back and forth between two plots. One story features an extremely ancient king who is visited by an unusual spirit.
As he slowly dies, the spirit tells him many tales.The other story, the main one, focuses on a mans life. He was found by two women, floating in a river. The story follows him as he grows up and leaves to establish his own life.To download issues 1-4. The Black Lamb is a six-issue comic book limited series that takes place in a science fantasy setting. Published in late 1996 and early 1997 by DC Comics as part of their now defunct Helix imprint, the series was written and drawn by Tim Truman.Set in an unnamed near future city that has a cyberpunk appearance and feel, The Black Lamb stars a character named Diarmaid Donn, a centuries old vampire who is originally from medieval Ireland.
Terminator Comic Rapidshare Full
Donn, known as the Black Lamb, is a figure authorized by the supernatural elements of the city, known collectively as the Tribes of the Night, as judge, jury and executioner in matters pertaining to the protection of the Tribes of the Night.Told mostly from the point of view of the title character, a significant amount of time also finds the story told from the point of view of a supporting character named Commissioner Damn. Damn is a police officer who has the ability to sense supernatural beings.Although some members of the Tribes of the Night live above ground, the majority reside, hidden in secret, in a huge maze of underground caverns beneath the city.In the back of issue #1, Tim Truman wrote a column titled Out for Blood in which he noted the influences and inspirations for The Black Lamb. Among the named sources are James Whales 1931 motion picture version of Frankenstein, the stories featuring Fu Manchu and The Iron Dream by science fiction writer, Norman Spinrad.To download issues 1-6. Arrowsmith is a fantasy comic book by writer Kurt Busiek and penciller Carlos Pacheco, published by Wildstorms Cliffhanger imprint. The Body Doubles are fictional characters, DC Comics villains created by Andy Lanning, Dan Abnett, and Jackson Guice.They first appeared in Resurrection Man #1.
(March 1996) before appearing in their own eponymous mini-series with Joe Phillips on art duties.Bonny Hoffman and Carmen Leno are hired killers who work for the Requiem, Inc. Assassination Agency. Bonny is the daughter of an East Coast mob boss who wanted to prove to her father that she could be as tough as any man, while Carmen is a former adult film star and exotic dancer, who hoped to advance her career as a legitimate Hollywood actress. Both women meet and become assassins and use many types of hi-tech firearms and concealed weapons, often found in their make up accessoriesThe Body Doubles begin working for Bonnys Uncle Nick, an assassin himself, and a magnificent drag queen to boot. As hired killers, the Body Doubles often come into conflict with Resurrection Man.The two spent some time working for a beauty-obsessed alien warrior woman named Mystress. She wanted to use the energies of several female superheros as part of a makeover. Usually, she used normal female victims but this time was special.The ladies kidnapped Argent, Power Girl and Deep Blue.
They went after Black Canary, going through the trouble of binding and gagging her after their vicious battle, but this was during the time she had no powers so they ended up letting her go (something the restrained Black Canary tried to scream at them along with a string of vulgar profanities, but was unable to due to the gag.)They also tried to kill Catwoman when she was running for mayor of New York City, but they were defeated.They continue to work for Uncle Nick, merrily murdering assigned victims while pursuing their dreams. The Body Doubles, as of Villains United #1, have joined the Secret Society of Super Villains, as well as having aided the Riddler and several other villains in Gotham City in Infinite Crisis #1.To download issues 1-4 and New years evil click below.
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns is set twenty years into an alternate future. In the absence of superheroes, ordinary criminals run amok (all the super-villains having been incarcerated or otherwise killed), and a gang called the 'Mutants' made up of schoolchildren terrorize. Has been retired from crime fighting for ten years following the death of, the second Robin. Wayne funds the rehabilitation of ('), leading to his release from a mental hospital, but upon re-entering society, Dent returns to crime.
Wayne dons the Batman costume again and apprehends Dent, but in an increasingly media obsessed society, the populace debates publicly whether Batman is a savior or a menace., a 13-year-old girl whom Batman rescues, spends her lunch money on a costume and finds Batman at the city dump, where he is fighting the Mutants. There, Batman, in a moment of insecurity about his age, foolishly accepts a challenge to battle the Mutants' leader in personal combat and is defeated. However, Kelley causes a distraction to allow Batman to incapacitate the villian and the police arrest him.
Kelley returns with Batman in the -like to the Batcave performing some basic first aid to stem his multiple. Once home, Batman takes Carrie on as the new Robin against 's objections. The of Gotham City decides to negotiate with the leader of the Mutants, with one eye on the upcoming election, but the Mutant leader kills the Mayor in his prison cell. With Gordon's cooperation, the leader is allowed to escape from jail and Batman, taking advantage of his experience in combat, defeats him in a rematch in front of the assembled Mutant gang, which then disbands, disgusted by their leader's failure., who has spent the last decade catatonic, sees the media reports on the return of the Batman, snaps out of his funk and convinces his that he regrets his misdeeds. Seeking to discredit Batman, the psychiatrist appears with the Joker on a late-night show (reminiscent of ).
Gordon finally retires and is replaced by Ellen Yindel, who is not a fan of Batman and whose first act as Commissioner is to issue an arrest warrant. She is also suspicious of the Joker and orders some of the police force to be on hand during the TV appearance. While the bulk of the police attempt to apprehend Batman, the Joker murders everyone in the television studio and escapes. Batman and Robin learn that the Joker is planning a mass killing at the country fair, where Batman defeats the Joker in a violent showdown. Batman has come to the realization that if he had indeed killed the Joker earlier instead of putting him in jail, where he would escape again and again (a common superhero theme), many innocent lives would have been saved. Batman comes short of killing the Joker by merely breaking his neck; the Joker expresses disappointment in Batman for not killing him.
He twists his own broken neck, effectively killing himself, intending for the police to charge Batman with murder.Meanwhile, the has invaded the, a Island not far from the USA, and the American response to the invasion is to unleash on the attacking troops. He is able to deter the attempted conquest, and in response, the Soviets fire a nuclear missile at the continental U.S. Superman is able to redirect it from its intended target to a remote desert, where it detonates. However, it turns out the missile was actually designed to cause a massive and send a huge cloud of dust into the atmosphere, precipitating a brief but intense. Superman is nearly killed by the missile's detonation, as the atmospheric effects cut off his access to the yellow sunlight that provides his power and invulnerability.As the electromagnetic pulse destroys all electrical equipment, and the country is plunged into cold and darkness, all the major American cities descend into chaos.
Batman rounds up the former Mutants, including those who now call themselves the 'Sons of the Batman' ('SOB' for short), to stop looting and ensure the flow of needed supplies. Gotham becomes the safest city in America, and the US government, embarrassed by this, orders Superman to take Batman down at any cost. Having been warned of the government's plans by, Batman confronts Superman at the very same place where Wayne's parents were murdered decades earlier, 'Crime Alley'. He dons a powered armor suit and readies various gadgets, including an arrow with a synthesized- tip to be fired by Green Arrow. The two face off, causing massive infrastructure damage and just as Batman defeats Superman, he appears to die of a heart attack.
Concurrently, Alfred destroys the and but suffers a fatal stroke as Robin draws away the police in the.The series comes to a close as we learn that Batman faked his own death. During the funeral in which blames Superman for Batman's death, his heart begins to beat again which Superman hears. He gives Carrie a knowing wink and walks away. Batman leads Robin, Green Arrow, and the rest of the Sons of Batman into the caverns beyond what was the Batcave and prepares to one day battle not criminals, but the corrupt authorities that had demanded he be neutralized. He figures this will be a good life, 'good enough.'
After going underground, (Bruce Wayne) and his young sidekick, Catgirl (, from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns), train an army of 'batboys' to save the world from a ' led. In a series of raids on government facilities, Batman's soldiers release from captivity other superheroes including The - trapped for years in a -, - forced to run on a treadmill to provide America with free power- and - now insane and trapped in.
Is recruited from his job as a commercials spokesman, and was already working with Batman (as seen in the end of TDKR)., working for the government, is ordered by the 'President' (a front for and ) to stop Batman. He confronts Wayne at the, but is defeated by Batman and the other superheroes.Meanwhile, Batman's raids have not gone unnoticed by the. After being banned for years, the freed superheroes have recaptured the public imagination, becoming a fad among youth. At a concert for the pop group 'The Superchix', Batman and the other heroes make a public appearance, urging their fans to rebel against the oppressive government.During this time, rogue vigilante spies on Luthor's plans, scribbling out a journal to record the misdeeds of those in power. He attempts to convince the, now an aged, bitter, near-powerless figure with his mind filled with Luthor's, to stand up against and the powers that be. The two are soon attacked by a figure who physically resembles the but is seemingly invulnerable to injury, and the Martian Manhunter sacrifices his life as The Question is rescued by Green Arrow. The villain escapes, and is depicted throughout the three issue series killing, and likely other heroes who came out of retirement.An monster lands in and begins to destroy the city.
Batman, however, is convinced that it is a way to lure him and his allies out of hiding and does not respond, in spite of Flash's claim that they are supposed to save lives. Batman's attitude is that the stakes are too high to worry about preserving life at all cost, whether this applies to men, women or even children.Superman and come out of hiding to fight the monster, but it is revealed to be Brainiac, who coerces Superman (using the bottled Kryptonian city of as leverage) into losing the battle in order to crush the people's faith in superheroes. Captain Marvel is killed defending citizens from the carnage, but Superman is saved when Lara, his daughter by, appears and destroys Brainiac's monster body. She has been carefully hidden since birth, but now that the government knows she exists they demand that she be handed over.Deciding that Batman and his methods are the only way out, Superman, Wonder Woman and their daughter join him and assist in his plan. By having Lara pretend to hand herself over to Brainiac, the Atom is able to slip into the bottle and destroy it from the inside, the now-empowered and growing Kryptonians using their combined heat vision to destroy Brainiac, the heroes subsequently destroying the power source of the dictatorship and inciting.
Batman allows himself to be captured and tortured by Luthor, who plans to use satellites to destroy most of the world's population and leave them with a more manageably amouont of people. The satellites, however, are destroyed by the now god-like who wraps a giant fist around the Earth, destroying Luthor's several trillion dollars-worth of weapons.
Luthor is subsequently killed by the son of whom he had killed earlier on. This is an action Batman planned and condones.Returning to the Batcave, Batman receives a communication from Carrie: she is being attacked by the same psychopath who dispatched the Martian Manhunter and other heroes. Batman recognizes the assailant as, the first, who has been genetically manipulated to possess a powerful healing factor and is criminally insane. Batman shows nothing but contempt for his former sidekick and plans his death the moment they face each other. Batman hurls himself and Grayson into a miles-deep crevasse filled with lava and blows up the entire cave, igniting an underground volcano and destroying everything - only to be saved by Superman at the last minute and brought to Carrie in the. Both Batman and Carrie, though badly injured, survive and continue on. For anyone with a fast internet connection and torrent software, here is a torrent for every single part (in order) of every single major story arc that has affected the Marvel Universe!!!
If anyone wants any section(s) of this, then I'm downloading it soon and i'll be happy to up any bits that you can't find elsewhere.